Mercantilism: Is it Local, Is it Logical?
Mercantilism: Is it Local; Is it Logical? For immediate release (632 words with optional cut) In Northern Indiana, a few things remain for which politicians cannot claim credit: amber waves of grain in the summer, Chocolate Charlie at Christmas, paczki for Madi Gras. We can be cheerleaders for local things yet question the role of Read the full article…

Indy’s Super Bowl: Another Potemkin Project?
For the use of the membership only (705 words). Potemkin |pəˈtɛm(p)kən| |pəˈtɛmkɪn| — adjective (informal), having a false or deceptive appearance, esp. one presented for the purpose of propaganda. ORIGIN 1930s: from Grigori Aleksandrovich Potyomkin (often transliterated Potemkin), a favorite of Empress Catherine II of Russia, who reputedly gave the order for sham villages to Read the full article…

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Constitution Day, Sept. 17, 2010
For immediate release (600 words) I was trying to explain constitutional Rule of Law to a reporter during my first political campaign in 1996 when the fellow raised an eyebrow in a gesture of cynicism and said I’d be another “perennial candidate.” Since that was just the first of many times I’d be so labeled, Read the full article…

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