The Outstater
THE INDIANA GOP is celebrating that the Party’s Black and Hispanic vote increased slightly Nov. 3. The leadership, however, might have stopped patting itself on the back long enough to join a lawsuit seeking to ensure that those Black and Hispanic votes will matter.
Indiana was not among 10 states that filed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to overturn a partisan ruling that extended the deadline for mail-in ballots.
Neighboring Kentucky gets it. “What happens in other states during a presidential election matters to Kentuckians because we are electing our president and vice president,” said the Kentucky Attorney General. “This is not about courts dictating who wins or loses, but about transparency and rule of law issues.”
This, friends, is not rocket science. First, the U.S. may be the only functioning democracy that allows the willy-nilly mailing of ballots to a random unverified electorate. Second, that policy tips over into insanity when you allow a governor, not a legislature or a constitution, to change the rules for how and when ballots are gathered and counted — and to do so only weeks before the election.
The issue is not whether an old fraud like Joe Biden can be denied the White House but whether we (whites, blacks and browns) are going to be afforded the benefit of election laws. For if we are not, then we will find ourselves one day soon voting one last time.
It is dismaying that the Indiana Republican Party is on record being reticent about all of that. What do they do in Indianapolis anyway? — tcl