Welcome, Gary Varvel

October 29, 2019

Please welcome Gary Varvel’s work to our membership distribution list.

Varvel joins Andrea Neal, Leo Morris and Craig Ladwig in our group of award-winning Indiana journalists.

Gary Varvel’s Views,” is a one-stop shop of his political cartoons plus links to supportive commentary including selected work from The Indiana Policy Review. Members of the foundationĀ can sign up for it allĀ here.

Varvel is a Christian, a conservative, a cartoonist and a speaker “in that order.” He was the Indianapolis Star cartoonist for 24 years and in 2015 was inducted into the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame.

Varvel won the National Headliners Award, the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award for Best Editorial Cartoonist Division, Grambs Aronson Award, plus dozens of state awards. His new book “Drawing the Right Way,” features a forward by former Gov. Mitch Daniels.


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