Quick Hit: Tulley Blew it, not Mourdock

June 10, 2014

For the use of the membership only (119 words)

MATTHEW TULLEY, the Indianapolis Star columnist, leans on a tautology in his June 9 blast in what he imagines is the direction of Indiana conservatives.

In “Richard Mourdock Blows it Once Again,” he lectures the former GOP Senate nominee that there is nothing, nothing comparable to Hitler’s atrocities, certainly nothing on the American political left.

Well yes, and historical analogies in political discourse are a famously loose discipline. But Hitler, by Tulley’s logic, could not be compared to Stalin because the former was a national socialist and the latter an economic socialist — entirely different things, entirely different mustaches, entirely different concentration camps.

Uncritical readers of the Star must think that tyranny cannot overcome them so long as their democratic representative promises to apply it only gradually and Tulley gets the interview.

And don’t try to compare Tulley to Mourdock. The one is held accountable to his words. The other is not. — Craig Ladwig



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